Tuesday, January 27, 2009

feeling attacked.

let God be proved true and every man a liar.

Lord, I pray that whatever bad came out of this that you would find a way to glorify yourself in it.

1 comment:

grahm said...

i think that regardless of the imperfections of the NT it totally proclaims truths about the Jesus that i know and love and who has saved me


i think that regardless of the imperfections of the church it has brought me closer to my God and to his people (aka everyone)

SO: i don't saying that those things are imperfect means anything. of course they're imperfect because they're both developed by humans. the truth is that in their imperfection God has used them to bring me closer to him, just like he uses me in MY imperfection to reach others.

if the church and the bible have taught him nothing about Christ and have not helped him love Jesus & people more then i guess there's no reason for him to subscribe to either... but if they HAVE then perhaps he should consider them in their imperfections as Christ considers him in his.

ADDITIONALLY... while i think that asking questions and challenging things in the bible and church is great and necessary... UNLESS it is with the purpose of loving and knowing God and people more... what's the point.