Friday, March 6, 2009

the watchmen

1. that sex scene basically ruined the movie for almost all 30 people i went with tonight... it was blasphemous and completely unnecessary, too long and shameful.
2. the music was amazing.
3. point 2 in no way negates point 1.

i would go so far as to say: do not go see watchmen.
MAYBE wait til it is on video and have someone fast forward the 5 minute scene.

like... i dont feel like i'm an immature viewer... but to try and pretend like it didn't really bother me watching all of that... or put all the boys i was with in a weird position would be a lie.  


justbeing said...

i'll follow this up with a post on how i disagree, how the entire movie was epic. except for that one part.

brown swallow girl said...

no like... to be honest the movie was really epic.
but that part just like i can't REMOVE it from the movie... and everyone with me we were all just like.. sick to our stomachs.