Sunday, April 5, 2009

so i'm sorta serious about all this...

my wedding plans...

-field please
-the park on piano will play at the beginning (brent? think you can handle it?)
-i want to sing "Times A Waistin' " with my husband while we leave (with all of my musically inclined friends playing it with us)
-i want my dress to be as simple as the one elizabeth wears to the netherfield ball but with a train
-i want my hair down
-i want pies by the dozen.... not cake... every kinda pie God ever made
-i want to wear brown riding boots under my dress 
-everything rustic.  i want everyone to sit on half hewn logs not chairs.... (and THIS is why i'm becoming friends with Bill Catling... my 3d design teacher)
-on the outside perimeter of the seating i want birch trees lining them. One at the end of every 2 logs or so (this will be done by the future friends i make when i intern from anthropologie)
Also: meaghan, i hope you understand that i fully expect you to help me boss my wedding coordinator around... or maybe even FILL the position? along with being in it...
-i want little white paper cranes hanging from every tree limb within a 2 mile radius (we'll just leave em there...)
-i want a dance floor lit like the one in the Village for dancing.
-i want it to smell better than a barbecue with kebabs and fresh fruit and you name it i want it
-i want all the balloons to be tied with twine and not ribbon
-i want the tables to not have table cloths but canvas and maybe even burlap over them
-i want all of the plates and cups to be family's and friends mixed and matched and beautiful... their absolute favorites that they let me borrow for the occasion.

oh yeah... its at dusk and in the summer

oh should i also mention that i'm scared to hell of being married?

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