Saturday, May 2, 2009

i'm so depressed.

i'm so ready to go home.

i miss my mother so much.
i just want to sit on our couch with my blanket and have her rub my back.

i want natural light and candles.

i want green trees and grass everywhere and to drive down sunset hwy or cornell and enjoy the tremendous clouds and the brilliant sunshine.  I want to stare at the colors.

i want to have the choice to go up into my tree house or not.

to go into MY room and be all alone.

i want to be able to hear EVERY person in my house from my room.

i want to identify people by their footfalls on the hardwood.

i want to breathe OUR air.

i just miss home.

My dad is graduating tonight.

Ariel and Paul are in town and my whole family is together to see my dad graduate... it feels so unfair.

i want to be there to see him.
i want to clap and whoop and holler for my daddy who has worked so hard to learn 3 languages and study tough scripture with all these brilliant men.

he's so cool.
and i'm so proud of him.

i'm excited for mother's day.

i'm going to work extra hard this year to make it special.

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