Thursday, March 12, 2009


A woman who had a turn.

who's life was in a series of wrong turns... in a labyrinth.

was pulled out into a beautiful page turning story... the story of God's redemption for mankind...
and she finds herself in the lineage of our savior

and God's heart towards us is that he wants to reach down, he wants to SAVE us.

and that salvation is not just a one time turn but its a series of turns.

a series of turns

a series of turns

& a series of turns.

what happens when you keep turning?

you begin to ... like little children... whirl.

& I think of David as he was doing what... dancing before the Lord and wasn't dressed...

but it says he danced before the Lord and he danced with all his might...
he whirled before the Lord.

And i think that that is what the Christian life is intended to be like...
that we may feel like we are in a labyrinth at times... but when we realize that God is leading it is more like a dance.

There's beauty and majesty and rythm and purpose and progress... and sometimes the moves are difficult.

and sometimes they're easy

 but they're always ok as long as we stay in the arms of our savior.

she trusted in the Lord and her life became one in the lineage of Jesus.

Have I turned over my mind, life, spirit.... to Jesus today.

that I might have faith like Rahab.
a prostitute...

who will go down in history as a prostitute... but was changed.

Rahab means WIDE...
God's grace is wide and deep and his ability to take us in is vast.

he throws our sins as far as the east is from the west.

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