Monday, March 30, 2009
Then I will gather you, I will rescue the lame... the captives, I will bring them home.

Sunday, March 29, 2009
watching david copperfield.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Library Program.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
stressful but no.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
la la la.
Austin: Sense and Sensebility, Persuasion, Emma, Northanger Abbey, Mansfield Park
Confessions of St. Augustine
Barrie: Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens
Baum: Dorothy’s Adventure’s in OZ
Burnett: A Little Princess, (Different copy) Secret Garden, Little Lord Fauntleroy, The Lost Prince
E. Bronte: Wuthering Heights
Byron: Don Juan, Fugitive Pieces
Carroll: Through The Looking Glass, The Hunting of the Snark
Chaucer: Troilus and Criseyde (Tristan and Isolde) CHECKMARK!, Christie, The Secret Adversary, The Mysterious Affair at Styles
Nesbit: The Railway Children, Five Children and It, The Wouldbegoods
Saturday, March 21, 2009
i'm an idiot.
engstrom sweatshirt proposals

Friday, March 20, 2009
possibilities for grahm to see.

i personally think the 3rd image would look best with the simple cursive words "space music" in the corner... idk if you originally intended for the entire body to be present... but because 1. the body is disproportionate and i'd have to redo it all... & 2. because the detail seen in the face is seen up close...
Thursday, March 19, 2009
you and i, you and i...
i didn't finish my project for 2d.
but i'm hanging it anyways for critique... its better than half of the stuff people put up usually anyways...
if i were honest... i'd say i was dissapointed in myself... for giving in to lazyness when it came to art.
but i dont feel like being honest.
i'm feeling much to pleasantly free to be reminded of my lazyness right now.
you and i, you and i....
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
worst human.
the ceramics teacher is the worst human ever...
At one point during the process i looked over at bill with my sullen sunken dead man's eyes (due to her droll) and he started laughing... you know that when the head of the department is willing to admit one of his professors is a drag its true.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
emily defined.
Monday, March 16, 2009
boo ya.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Saturday, March 14, 2009
tt = 3.14
catchy (me).
And I don't need anyone to cut my meat for me.
I'm a big girl now, see my big girl shoes.
It'll take more than just a breeze to make me
Fall over, fall over, fall overboard, overboard.
Fall overboard just so you can catch me.
But as strong as I seem to think I am my distressing damsel,
She comes out at night when the moon's filled up and your eyes are
Bright, then I think I simply aught to
Fall over, fall over, fall overboard, overboard.
Fall overboard just so you can catch me.
You can catch me.
I watch the ships go sailing by
I play the girl will you play the guy.
And I never thought I'd be the type
To fall, to fall, to fall, to fall to fall.
To fall over, fall over, fall overboard, overboard.
Fall overboard just so you can catch me.
You can catch me, you can catch me, you can catch-
I watch the ships go sailing by I be your girl will you be my guy.
And I never thought I'd be the type to fall, to fall.
To fall, to fall, to fall...
To fall over, fall over, fall overboard, overboard.
Fall overboard just so you can catch me.
You can catch me, you can catch me.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
kaleo tonight.
Of the shadow of death,
Your perfect love is casting out fear.
And even when I´m caught in the middle
Of the storms of this life,
I won´t turn back; I know You are near.
And I will fear no evil,
For my God is with me.
And if my God is with me,
Whom then shall I fear? Whom then shall I fear?
O no, You never let go,
Through the calm and through the storm
O no, You never let go,
In every high and every low
O no, You never let go, Lord You never let go of me.
And I can see a light that is coming
for the heart that holds on
A glorious light beyond all compare.
And there will be an end to these troubles,
But until that day comes,
We´ll live to know You here on the earth.
Yes, I can see a light that is coming
For the heart that holds on,
And there will be an end
To these troubles,
But until that day comes,
Still I will praise You,
Still I will praise You.
But He is mastered, now,
I'm some accustomed to Him grown,
He hurts a little, though
I thought if I could only live
Till that first Shout got by
Not all Pianos in the Woods
Had power to mangle me
I dared not meet the Daffodils
For fear their Yellow Gown
Would pierce me with a fashion
So foreign to my own
I wished the Grass would hurry
So when 'twas time to see
He'd be too tall, the tallest one
Could stretch to look at me
I could not bear the Bees should come,
I wished they'd stay away
In those dim countries where they go,
What word had they, for me?
They're here, though; not a creature failed
No Blossom stayed away
In gentle deference to me
The Queen of Calvary
Each one salutes me, as he goes,
And I, my childish Plumes,
Lift, in bereaved acknowledgement
Of their unthinking Drums
i made 100 dollars in 15 minutes.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
i'm very excited.
organic souls.
Monday, March 9, 2009
every word is right.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Saturday, March 7, 2009
album leaf: streamside
Friday, March 6, 2009
my favourites.
Our staple food swapped for sweets.
stolen... but WONDERFUL.
Robert W. Jenson & Solveig Lucia Gold, Conversations with Poppi about God: An Eight-Year-Old and Her Theologian Grandfather Trade Questions (Grand Rapids: Brazos Press, 2006). 158 pages. ISBN: 97815874321613.Review copy courtesy of Brazos Press.
When was the last time you had a conversation about baptism, temptation, purgatory, time, economics, the Nicene Creed, creation, the Trinity, Christmas, metaphysics, church calendars, evil, indulgences, the Holy Spirit, liturgy, Lucifer, hamsters, a ‘really stupid’ bishop, the disestablishment of the Roman Church, theimago Dei, and a host of other things, all with the same person? When was the last time you did so with a person who just happens to be a world-renowned Lutheran, and ecumenical, theologian? When was the last time you did so with an eight-year-old who knows more about Dante than not a few philosophy undergrads?
In this remarkable book, we are invited to eavesdrop on a spontaneous and unscripted conversation between elementary schoolgirl Solveig Lucia Gold and her septuagenarian grandfather affectionately called ‘Poppi’, more formally known as the Reverend Canon Professor Dr. D. Robert W. Jenson, B.A., B.D., M.A., D.Theol., D.H.L., DD.
The book comprises the verbatim transcripts - with minor editing of ‘Ums’, ‘Well, buts …’ and ‘You knows…’, etc - of conversations recorded on a Radio Shack cassette recorder over a series of weekends in which Solveig visited her grandparents (‘Poppi’ and ‘Mimi’) in Princeton. After each session, Mimi typed it up.
The authors invite us to read their book ‘as you would a Platonic dialogue, though in this one, the role of Socrates goes back and forth’ (p. 10). Their discussion is more wide-ranging than most systematic theologies, and is filled with wit, warmth and wisdom.
Time for an example:
Solveig: How can God pick who goes to heaven or hell?
Poppi: By looking at Jesus, who loves you, Solveig.
Solveig: Can you show me?
Poppi: One way of saying what happened with Jesus is that Jesus so attached himself to you that if God the Father wants his Son, Jesus, back, he is stuck with you too. Which is how he picks you. (p. 20)
The young Episcopalian and her ‘sort of half Anglican and half Lutheran’ (p. 70) Poppi return to some themes a number of times over the weekends. One such theme that offers some of the book’s richest insights concerns the Spirit, or ‘God’s liveliness’ (p. 38), as the good Professor Dr Poppi likes to remind his granddaughter. Solveig tries on more than one occasion to argue a case that the second and third articles in the Creed ought to be reversed not only because ‘all of us share in the Spirit’ (Father and Son included), but also because that’s how you cross yourself. Poppi agrees, ‘Father, Spirit, Son is probably a better arrangement’ (p. 146). The Spirit is also ‘God’s own future that he is looking forward to’ (p. 42). They compare God’s liveliness with Santa Claus who is ‘sort of like a messenger from the Holy Spirit - in a way’ (p. 100), before coming to discern the spirits to see if they are from God, for whom to have Spirit means that he ‘doesn’t stay shut up in himself … but that the goodness and mercy - and wrath, when it comes to that - that is in God blows out from him to hit you and me. And that means that just like your spirit is yours and not mine, even though your spirit effects me, so God’s Spirit is his and not a spirit like Santa Claus’ (p. 101).
In between laughs, they talk about what it is about Holy Communion - Solveig’s ‘favourite part of going to church’ because she gets to ‘stretch and walk around a little’ (p. 31) - that means that ‘the wine should be the very best’ (p. 33) and that dissolvable bread should be banned. The meal should be appetising, and not like those baptisms ‘when they just dribble a couple of drops on the baby’ (p. 34). They also talk about a confirmation service led by ‘this weird bishop guy’ who is ‘really stupid’ (p. 34).
While I’m trying to resist the temptation to share every gem in the book (and there are lots), allow me one more, this time on heaven, purgatory, and hell:
Solveig: Do you think of where you might go after you die as two places or three places? I think of it as three places.
Poppi: What three is that?
Solveig: Heaven, purgatory, and hell.
Poppi: So you hold to the doctrine of purgatory?
Solveig: Yes.
Poppi: You know that is very controversial.
Solveig: Why? It’s in Dante, isn’t it?
Poppi: Well, it’s in Dante, yes. But of course, Dante isn’t exactly in the Bible.
Solveig: No. But he’s still …
Poppi: The thing about purgatory is that it’s a very reasonable idea. It’s just that we don’t know if it is true.
Solveig: Except … Maybe God thinks that you should just go to two places. If you are bad, he has no patience with you at all, and he will just sort you to go to heaven or hell. I think that is reasonable enough.
Poppi: That God is impatient?
Solveig: Yes.
Poppi: That’s where I think the notion of purgatory is reasonable. I don’t think the Bible talks about God’s being impatient in quite that way.
Solveig: If he isn’t impatient, maybe he doesn’t want us to spend time thinking about where we should go.
Poppi: You know that plate that your mother and father gave us that hangs on the wall in the dining room?
Solveig: Yes.
Poppi: Remember what it says on it?
Solveig: I don’t remember what it says.
Poppi: It says, ‘I desire not the death of the wicked.’
Solveig: ‘As I live, saith the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked.’
Poppi: Right. So the biblical God takes no pleasure in sending people to hell, and that’s why I think that purgatory is a reasonable idea. The problem is we don’t have any way of knowing whether the purgatory idea is true or not.
Solveig: It’s just Dante’s idea.
Poppi: Well, it was older than Dante.
Solveig: It was?
Poppi: Yes.
Solveig: Yes. Well, see, I think of Dante as a theologian, in a way.
Poppi: He was a very great theologian.
Solveig: Yeah, I know. I’m saying that he kind of liked to make up things he wasn’t quite sure about, if you know what I mean.
The delightful exchanges in this album offer us a model of how good theological dialogue can and should take place: with mutual respect and humility which delights in both the giving and the receiving; with an eye on the scripture, an eye on the tradition, and an eye on the world (for those who possess at least three eyes); and within an environment of safety in which no idea is too whacky and no avenue of enquiry cut off prematurely.
Carl Braaten’s words regarding this book are worth repeating,
Robert Jenson has created a new medium, with his granddaughter Solveig, to teach the basics of the Christian faith. Just as Martin Luther wrote his Small Catechism for children, this book of conversations covers the beliefs and practices of the Christian church - among them the commandments, the Lord’s Prayer, the Creed, and the sacraments - in a way that parents, regardless of their denomination, can confidently read and discuss with their children. Robert Jenson has translated the core convictions of his two volumes of Systematic Theology into simple truths that his eight-year-old grandchild can understand in the course of their unrehearsed and lively conversations. If you want to know what a sophisticated theologian really believes, listen to him explain the mysteries of the Christian faith to a child in simple terms without being simplistic.