In honor of my visiting Seibert tomorrow...
i'm rereading Labyrinths.
Also, can i just say...
that i'm getting really exhausted of people who honestly, are NOT that well read,
acting as though they are...
dropping names that we've all heard a million times... then quoting them to make it seem that they are brilliant...
i'm sorry.. but the few people i've met in my life that just exude genius do not do this...
SEIBERT... for one was a highly learned and experienced man and part of his genius was that quotations bubbled from his lips like a fountain... but he rarely mentioned who originally spoke them...
MY FATHER... is one of the most quiet reserved men when it comes to his intellect... he jokes around and converses like normal... but if you sit him down and really want to know what he wrote his dissertation on... you are in for a LOT of learning...
never you mind... i'm done... i can't handle it though...
i hope i never "put on airs" as some of these people i keep encountering.
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